A hereditary Itako/Yuta Shaman from Japan also with a mix of North East European and Romani heritage. Multiple methods of reading styles from I-Ching to Cards and spiritual counseling via trance and mediumship utilizes both east and west divination styles tailored to each client's needs.
Also performs rituals for soul fragment retrievals "mabui gumi" ancestor connection "ugami" home and personal spiritual cleansing with wards "oharai" reiki healing "kitoh" and placing of Guardian Spirits for spiritual protections on an individual "kami tsuki".
Terry also offers coaching and tutoring to those who feel they need it based off of the classes taught at Ravens Alley, plus he teaches intro to Itako/Yuta Shamanism.
Email ravensalley@gmail.com to set times for readings, coaching, or tutoring with Terry.