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Yearly Readings

Yearly Readings

Ravens Alley

Regular price $121.00 Sale

This year the yearly Readings will start on October 31, 2024, and go through December 31, 2024, and other members of the Ravens 9 will cover yearly reading services as well! 

The yearly reading is performed with whichever tool the spirits indicate is needed for the reading, from a candle, scrying mirror, oracle cards, chamalongos, runes,  or bones.

The reading will cover the four quarters of the year and cover love, finance, job, and anything that needs to be seen or considered to avoid danger or harm.

Readings take 1- 1 1/2 hrs.

Once paid, contact: to set a time once payment has been made. 

This year we are adding readers from the Ravens 9, to the yearly reading available if you chose to have one of them instead of the owner to do your reading.

readers bio in divination section.

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