Hag Stone Necklace
Ravens Alley
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Hag Stone Necklace (each necklace varies in look as each stone is shaped differently, and what spirit leads to be put on it).
Hag Stones, also known as Witch Stones, Fairy Stones, Holey Stones, and Adder Stones, are stones/rocks or pebbles that have a natural hole running through them which was created by water erosion over a long period of time.
In folk magic systems, it is often believed to ward off the dead, curses, witches, sickness, and nightmares. They are also used as windows or doorways to see other worlds or other realms, invisible spirits, or how a being really looks beyond its glamour.
Hag stones are usually found in streams or rivers and at the seashore, where the action of running water has created the hole in the stone. It is a common belief that magic cannot work on running water, and as the stones are tunneled by the force of this element, they retain its beneficial influence.
Health, luck, protection, and other spiritual powers are attributed to them such as seeing otherworldly and realm beings, like the Sidhe (Fae), Troll, Elves the dead, and past glamour.
Stones were collected in GA, and FL.